Other dances by Bob Dalsemer
Bob's Triplet #1
Proper Triplet
A1: First couple join both hands, chassé down center (4) , heel, toe, heel toe with man's left foot, ladies right (4), chassé back up (4) and cast off unassisted into second place, second couple moving up
A2: First couple turn contra corners
B1: All balance and swing partners, end swing facing up
B2: Holding inside hands, balance together and apart (4), gents rollaway partner from right to left (4), turn to face partner joining hands in a circle of 6, circle left halfway (8)
Composed in February, 1988 as a teaching tool for the figure contra corners. The balance and rollway in B2 is an improvement as called by Joseph Pimentel (many thanks, Joseph!). As in the Ted Sannella tradition of numbered triplets, I encourage dancers to cheer wildly when #1 (and only, so far) is announced.
Lovely Lane Chain
Four Facing Four (double improper contra)
A1: Ladies chain over and back (courtesy turns encouraged!), rollaway with a half sashay (gent rolls partner across to his left)
A2: Lines go forward and back; do-si-do opposite dancer
B1: Ends balance and swing opposites while the center four right and left hand star. Swingers end facing the star, woman on man's right. All give right hands to partners
B2: Wrong way right and left grand around the group of eight, short swing with partners, end facing original direction (couples will have swapped places in the line).
While this may be danced as a double sicilian circle (mescolanza), it works better in lines, and even couples waiting out at each end can dance through most of the dance with each other (thanks to Colin Hume for pointing this out!). One way to set up the formation is to create two improper contra lines of even length and slide them together to make lines of four facing four. My inspirations for the dance came from an English folk version of a 19th century ballroom dance (Tom Pate/La Tempete) and a modern square dance figure (eight chain thru). Composed to celebrate the wedding of Bruce & Susan Edwards at Lovely Lane Church in April, 1983. My favorite tune for the dance is Peacock Rag. This dance is included in the 7th edition of Dance A While: Handbook for Folk, Square, Contra, and Social Dance published by Macmillan (New York,1994).
Old Bob's Mixer
Circle Mixer
Formation: big circle of couples facing center of the hall
A1: Balance and swing partner, end facing center, joining hands in a big circle
A2: All dance into the center and back (8); ladies dance into the center, turn around and come back facing out to form a wavy circle (aka alamo ring - ladies facing out, gents facing in, right hand to partner, left hand to corner).
B1: Balance right and left (4) slide (or spin) to right (as in Rory O'More) give left to partner, right to the next (4), balance left and right (4), slide (or spin) to left give right to partner (4)
B2: Allemande right partner once and a half, left shoulder gypsy the next, returning to partner, pass partner by the right shoulder, to original corner (who will be your partner for the next round).
An easier version of Bob and Laura's 35th (above), I never really had a name for it, referring to it only as Bob's New Mixer. But after it had been around quite a while and was picked up by other callers, a dancer (jokingly, I hope) suggested the final title.
January Mixer
Circle Mixer
Formation: circle of couples facing promenade direction
A1: Promenade as couples
A2: Gents continue single file, ladies turn back single file (8) Everybody turn back (8), pass partner
B1: Allemande left the next (8) allemande right the same (8)
B2: Do-si-do the same (8) swing the same
Composed January 8, 1998 in preparation for a dance with a lot of newcomers. I needed a sure fire mixer like Atlantic Mixer, but with a more certain progression to a new partner.
May Mixer
Circle Mixer
Formation: circle of couples facing promenade direction
A1: Balance and swing partners
A2: Into the middle and back (8), circle left (8)
B1: Into the middle and back (8), circle right (8)
B2: Allemande left partner once and a half (8), do-si-do the next
Composed in May 2001 as an exercise for new dancers to practice balance and swing
Glen Echo Promenade
Circle Mixer
Formation: circle of couples facing promenade direction
A1: Balance and swing partner, end facing promenade direction
A2: Holding only partner’s nearest hand promenade forward 3 steps, turn alone on step 4 , changing hands, back up 4 steps (8). Go forward 3 steps, turn alone on step 4 , changing hands, back up 4 steps (8).
B1: Balance together (toward partner) and apart and roll lady (right to left) away with a half sashay to change places (8). Balance together and apart and roll GENT away (right to left) to place (8).
B2: Ladies cast back to promenade single file clockwise while gents promenade single file counter clockwise (6-8), turn around, return, pass partner, ready to balance new partner.
Bob and Laura's 35th
Circle Mixer
Formation: big circle of couples facing center of the hall
A1: Balance and swing partners, end facing promenade direction
A2: In Varsouvianne promenade position, walk forward (4) turn alone, back up (4) walk
forward (4) (as in Gay Gordons) Holding on to partners right hand, men twirl women
counterclockwise to make a wavy circle (aka alamo ring), ladies facing in, right shoulder to partner
B1: Balance right and left in alamo ring (4) slide (or spin) to right (as in Rory O'More) give left to partner, right to the next (4), balance left and right (4), slide (or spin) to left give right to partner (4)
B2: Allemande right partner once and a half, left shoulder gypsy the next, returning to partner, pass partner by the right shoulder, on to the next.